An investigation of the anatomy of Limicena confirms its position as a monotypic genus in the Cerastidae. Phylogenetic analysis places Limicena as the most plesiomorphic member of a clade characterised by a pseudosigmurethrous excretory system, the more advanced members of which are Rhachistia, Amimopina and Edouardia. Its position at the base of such a widely dispersed, advanced clade with apparently xerophilic adaptations lends support to a dispersalist hypothesis for the extra-Afrotropical distribution of the Cerastidae.

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Zoologische Mededelingen

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Naturalis journals & series

Mordan, P. (1998). The anatomy and phylogeny of the African land snail Limicena Connolly, 1925 (Pulmonata: Cerastidae). Zoologische Mededelingen, 72, 1-10, 59–72.