A translation of the Chinese description of a female of Neallogaster annandalei (Fraser, 1923), by Zhou (1988) is given and compared with the original description of Anotogaster annandalei. It is concluded that this species should be included in the genus Cordulegaster. A translation of the original Chinese descriptions of Cordulegaster jinensis Zhu & Han, 1992, and Neallogaster choui Yang & Li, 1994, is presented. It is suggested that the two species are conspecific. Material of "Cordulegaster luniferous var. annandalei Klots, 1947" from Yunnan is identified as Neallogaster latifrons Selys, 1878 (?), by which the presence of Neallogaster in China is confirmed.

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Zoologische Mededelingen

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Naturalis journals & series

van Pelt, G. J. (1996). Notes on Cordulegaster Leach, and Neallogaster Cowley, from China, and the identity of Anotogaster annandalei Fraser (Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera: Cordulegastridae). Zoologische Mededelingen, 70(27), 399–410.