Six species of Pontoniinae from Oman are dealt with; two are commensals of Lamellibranchia (Neoanchistus nasalis new species in Chlamys townsendi, Conchodytes meleagrinae Peters in Pinctada radiata), two are commensals on madrepore corals (Philarius gerlachei (Nobili) on Acropora, Jocaste lucina (Nobili) on Stylophora). Of the last two, Pontonia sibogae and P. stylirostris, no commensal habits were noted; P. stylirostris so far was only known from the holotype.

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Zoologische Mededelingen

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Naturalis journals & series

Holthuis, L. (1986). Some Pontoniinae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) from southern Oman. Zoologische Mededelingen, 60(17), 263–272.