A new species of freshwater Bryozoa has been found at Patua, Sumatra by Dr. A. Holleman-Haye. It belongs to the genus Lophopodella which has an Aethiopean-Indian range. The genus Lophopodella is characterised by its large oval statoblast, large capsule and broad annulus. This annulus possesses one or more spines at the poles. These spines are studded with very small anchor-like hooklets. The genus Lophopodella is closely related to the genus Pectinatella. The statoblasts of the latter genus may bear large spines without hooklets or, on the other hand, a great number of small spines (or hooklets) which are directly placed on and around the entire margin, as e.g. in Pectinatella gelatinosa Oka. Characteristic of the new species of Lophopodella is that the poles are studded with a number of hooklets, directly placed on to the margin. In this respect the species resembles Pectinatella gelatinosa and on this character the name of the new species is based. The species is an "intermediate" form between the genera Lophopodella and Pectinatella. The close relationship is proved by the variability and the teratology of the statoblasts. Sometimes they already show the character of a more evolved species or, conversely, they recall a more primitive stage by their lack of characters. Zoarium: a gelatinous mass, about 4 mm is diameter, lobate, the lobation originates from the base but also, probably as a result of incisures into the border; in peripheral lobation they do not reach very far into the lumen, they give the impression to be cicatrices of healed fissures. Polypides: about 21/2 mm long, tentacles numbering 50-70; about half of the total length; invagination is complete.