1. Ramitrichophorus nov. subgen. Macrosiphoniella janckei Börner, 1939 (Arb. phys. angew. Entom., vol. VI, p. 83), found on Helichrysum arenarium, differs from all species of Macrosiphoniella which I have seen in the structure of its hairs, rostrum and cauda. The dorsal hairs and partly those on the legs and antennae are long and not thicker than in other Macrosiphoniella's but their apex is flattened and ramose, sometimes bifid. The ultimate rostral segment is Fig. 1. Ramitrichophorus janckei (Börner), apt. viv. fern.: a, siphunculus; b, cauda; c, last rostral segments. X 140. exceedingly long and narrow, about 1 2/3 times as long as second joint of hind tarsi and nearly 5/6 of the siphunculi. The hairs on this joint are very short and thin, while in typical Macrosiphoniella the longest hairs stand on basal half. The cauda is shortly triangular and acute. Scleroites are vaguely visible in the specimen which I received, and antesiphuncular sclerites are present. It seems desirable, with regard to the shape of the ultimate rostral segment, hairs and cauda, to erect a separate subgenus for this species, Ramitrichophorus nov. subgen., type Macrosiphoniella janckei Börner, 1939. 2. Macrosiphoniella chamomillae nov. spec. Apterous viviparous female. Morphological characters. Body rather large, spindle-shaped, about 2.703.15 mm long. Hairs not on distinct scleroites, rather long; VIIIth abd. tergite with 6 hairs. Antesiphuncular sclerites absent or colourless. Head faintly dusky, with the sides between the bases of the antennae and the