INTRODUCTION During an excursion to Norway organized by the Department of Systematic Zoology of the Rijksuniversiteit of Leiden in August 1973, I had the opportunity to make some observations on Turbellarians of salt-marshes and rocky shores of the Trondheimsfjord (63o 37' N 9° 43' Ε) and the Stjörnfjord (63o 47' Ν 10° 7' Ε), a fjord connected with the Trondheimsfjord. MATERIAL AND METHODS The greater triclad flatworms were mainly collected by turning stones on the salt-marshes and rocky shores. On the salt-marshes soil samples were taken. Each sample covered an area of 25 cm2 and was 3 cm thick. For obtaining the animals the soil samples were put in a jar filled with sea water. Lack of oxygen, due to decay of the vegetable matter, and the light of a lamp make the animals creep or swim to the water surface. They can then be captured by means of a pipette. LIST OF SPECIES Neorhabdocoela Placorhynchus octaculeatus octaculeatus Karling, 1931 In a salt-marsh near Selva on the Trondheimsfjord one specimen was found together with Uteriporus vulgaris, Proxenetes deltoides and P. unidentatus in a Juncetum gerardii vegetation (sensu Beeftink, 1965), with the phanerogams Juncus gerardii, Glaux maritima, Triglochin maritima and Scirpus rufus. The algal mat covered 100% and consisted mainly of Vaucheria coronata, Vaucheria intermedia, and many blue-green and green algae. The species has a wide distribution along the European coasts (Karling,