During the zoological exploration of Netherlands New Guinea sponsored by the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, in 1954-1955, four specimens of Clausiliidae were found. There are no previous records of the occurrence of Clausiliidae in New Guinea; the most eastern locality in the Indo-Australian region from which this family of snails was known is the island of Halmahera, in the Moluccas (Loosjes, 1953, p. 209). Paraphaedusa minahassae (P. & F. Sarasin, 1899) Sarasin, 1899, p. 218, pl. 26 figs. 267-268. Ehrmann in Zilch, 1949, p. 77, pl. 4 fig. 10. Loosjes, 1953. P. 137, fig. 38. The specimens show the characters as they are typical of the species, but the aperture of some of the shells is somewhat narrower than usual, and the right upper angle of the peristome is a little less distinct in some specimens. The inner structure, examined in one of the shells, shows no differences from that of Celebes shells. Dr. L. Forcart of the "Naturhistorisches Museum", Basel, Switzerland, kindly sent to me four specimens (paratypes) from Klabat Volcano for comparison, for which I am greatly indebted to him. The species is known from the northern peninsula of the island of Celebes, from the localities: Klabat Volcano at 1500 m altitude under mosses on tree trunks (type-locality), on Soputan Volcano at 1150 m altitude, and on Mount Lokon. The localities in Central Netherlands New Guinea are (fig. 1) : 1. near River Dimija, between Lake Paniai and Lake Tage (Wissel Lakes), 3-I-1955, 1 specimen, leg. Dr. L. B. Holthuis.