In the course of the later years a rather large number of specimens of various groups of insects from New Guinea were among the acquisitions of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie. Shortly after the war the collections made by Professor H. Boschma, during his visit to the Wissel Lakes in 1939 as the zoologist of the expedition organized by the Royal Netherlands Geographical Society (Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap), arrived safely from Bogor (Java) where they had to stay during the German occupation of the Netherlands. Quite recently we obtained the first captures made by Dr. L. D. Brongersma in various places in and near New Guinea. From both collections a number of new and interesting Heteroptera is to be described. A few Oncomerini, belonging to the genera Lyramorpha and Agapophyta, are the subject of the present note. Lyramorpha Subgenus Lyrodes Of the subgenus Lyrodes two new species were collected at and near the Wissel Lakes. The first, which I will name Lyramorpha (Lyrodes) edulis nov. spec.*) (figs. 1-2), shows no definite spot or patch on the corium; the basal corners of the scutellum are yellowish, medially from this yellow spot a distinct dark point is to be seen, except in specimens that are more or less immature. The general colour is more or less castaneous, with inVentral views of the ultimate abdominal segments of: fig. I, Lyramorpha (Lyrodes) edulis ♂ ; fig. 2, Lyramorpha (Lyrodes) edulis ♀ ; fig. 3, Lyramorpha (Lyrodes) plagifer ♂ ; fig. 4, Lyramorpha (Lyrodes) plagifer ♀ ; fig. 5, Lyramorpha (Diploxiphus) maculifer ♂ ; fig. 6, Lyramorpha (Diploxiphus) maculifer ♀.