Cosmopsaltria halmaherae n. sp. is described from Halmahera, Maluku and placed in the C. doryca group. The characters of this group are reconsidered and the relationships of its members are discussed. The C. doryca group and two other monophyletic groups of cicadas demonstrate a vicariant distribution in Maluku Utara (= North Moluccas) and Maluku Selatan (= South Moluccas).

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Naturalis journals & series

Duffels, J. P. (1988). Cosmopsaltria halmaherae n. sp. endemic to Halmahera, Maluku, Indonesia (Homoptera, Cicadidae). The relationship of cicadas of Maluku Utara and Maluku Selatan. Bijdragen tot de dierkunde, 58(1), 20–24.