Dixon Hill Lighthouse Cave, about 800 m (0.5 miles) inshore on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, was found to hold populations of three sponge species new to science, viz. Pellina penicilliformis n. sp., Prosuberites geracei n. sp., and Cinachyra subterranea n. sp. The new species are described and figured, and compared with Caribbean congeneric species. The geological history of the cave is described and its implication for ideas on speciation rates in sponges is discussed.

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Naturalis journals & series

van Soest, R., & B. Sass, D. (1981). Amsterdam Expeditions to the West Indian Islands, Report 13. Marine sponges from an island cave on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Bijdragen tot de dierkunde, 51(2), 332–342.