The excavation of a prehistoric site at Vlaardingen, about 10 km W. of Rotterdam, yielded among ceramics and other man-made objects, many remains of zoological origin (GLASBERGEN, 1960). Mr. P. J. VAN DER FEEN and Miss M. R. WALVIUS, who were in charge of the zoological material found at Vlaardingen, trusted the author with the identification of the remains of the Carnivora, with the exception of the remains of at least 5 Dog-like animals, which were sent to Prof. Dr. A. E. VAN GIFFEN at Groningen. The prehistoric settlement at Vlaardingen is provisionally dated as between 2300 and 2100 B.C. The settlement was situated along the border of a creek or river, which later on silted up. The bank on which the habitation level was found, was rather low and the whole biotope may perhaps be compared with the recent situation in the Biesbosch, a region at the estuaries of the rivers Meuse and Rhine, about 30 km S.E. of Rotterdam.