In wood infested by Limnoria from northwestern France, 18 species of harpacticid copepods have been found. The published figures of Paradactylopodia brevicornis (Claus, 1866), Amphiascus minutus (Claus, 1863), Heterolaophonte stromi paraminuta Noodt, 1955, and Paralaophonte brevirostris (Claus, 1863) have been compared with the specimens at hand. Heterolaophonte longisetigera Klie, 1950, is rised to specific rank, instead of being a subspecies of H. littoralis. Moreover, the genus Orthopsyllus is reviewed. Four valid species are distinguished: O. sarsi Klie, 1941, O. spinicaudatus Krishnaswamy, 1957, O. wallini Lang, 1934, and O. linearis Claus, 1866; the latter is subdivided into 4 groups, viz., the O. linearis-group, the O. major-group, the O, improportionalis – group and the O. illgi – group. An Orthopsyllus collected in Limnoria – wood is figured and described in detail. It is assigned to the O. linearis – group and named O. linearis f. setosus nov.