A single specimen of an ingolfiellid was found in a slightly brackish well (locally called a “pos”) on the Bacuna estate in the island of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). The specimen differs from all other 21 ingolfiellid taxa, and is described as a new species, Ingolfiella (Gevgeliella) putealis. The two classification systems in use for the Ingolfiellidea, that of KARAMAN (1959) and that of RUFFO (1970), are compared and both are found not entirely satisfactory in the light of recent discoveries. A new system is devised, in which the suborder is divided into 2 families, together with 3 genera and 5 subgenera. The genera and subgenera do not only represent morphological unities, but also combine species with similar habitat requirements. Within the series, the marine genera are distinctly plesiomorph, the limnic genera show various degrees of apomorphy.