The handbook ""Sphecid Wasps of the World. A generic Revision"", by R. M. Bohart and A. S. Menke, 1976, University of California Press, Berkeley etc., p. ix, 695, commonly known as the Big Blue Book (BBB), is the most frequently used book on the worldwide taxonomy of the Sphecidae (Hymenoptera) down to subfamilies, tribes, and genera. A book of this size unavoidable contains mistakes. Since its publication a long row of errata and omissions were published in a variety of articles: see references.

Verslagen en Technische Gegevens
Staff publications

Bohart, R. M., Menke, A. S., & Simon Thomas, R. T. (1998). A recapitulation of errata and omissions to Sphecid Wasps of the World. A generic Revision. Verslagen en Technische Gegevens, 77(1), 1–41.