This list is the first result of my researches in literature and in different museums. Dr. KIDSTON looked over the many photographs and notes made for this purpose and in writing the text of our Monograph of the Calamites of Western Europe we found the occasion to controlize the conclusions. The comparison with the numerous beautiful specimens in Dr. KIDSTON’S collection and the many conferences we had on the critical figures and specimens lead to the result given in this list. I am glad to have in the publication of this list another opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to Dr. KIDSTON for his collaboration and for so many kind helps. This list contains the names used for species of the genus Calamites sensu ampliss. (incl. Arthropitys, Calamodendron etc.). From species not occuring in palaeozoic deposits, it brings the names only and no further critical remarks.

Mededeelingen van 's Rijks Herbarium, Leiden

Released under the CC-BY 4.0 ("Attribution") License

Naturalis journals & series

Jongmans, W. J. (1915). List of the species of Calamites with enumeration of the figures as far as they are doubtful or indeterminable or belong to
other species. Mededeelingen van 's Rijks Herbarium, Leiden, 24(1), 1–41.