Since BLUME’S fundamental work of the flora of Dutch India was published, many additions of genera and species of Rutaceae-Aurantieae were made by later authors, but no attempt has been made to enumerate the species and varieties of the whole group based upon the up-to-date herbarium materials. The author has had an opportunity lately to make a tour through Europe, and on this occasion collections of principal herbaria were examined. Many pending questions were solved by investigating type specimens, and a number of new types were added to the old list. Before publishing a complete record of the study, the issue of separate articles of principally geographic standing is now in progress, and this paper forms one of this series. The following is a tentative list of species of Rutaceae-Aurantieae now definitely recorded from Dutch East Indies, with exception of certain new species which are now under investigation. From convenience, plants form British possesions in Borneo and in New Guinea, Bismark Archipelago, Solomon Islands and Portuguese Timor are included in this enumeration. The author expresses his cordial gratitude to Dr. Goethart and Dr. Henrard of the Rijks Herbarium of Leiden, and Prof. Went, Prof. Pulle and Mr. Lanjouw of the University of Utrecht for offering facility and help in executing his work at their institutions. Micromelum diversifolium MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. I: 221, (1864).