1. Nigidius amplicollis Qued. (Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XXVIII (1884) p. 266), first recorded from the Quango (v. Mechow) proves to be a widely distributed species. I have specimens from the Upper Zambesi and from the N’Guru mountains (Zanzibar). 2. Nigidius laevigatus Har. (Mittheil. d. Münch. Ent. Ver. II (1878) p. 100 & Coleopt. Hefte XVI (1879) p. 31) 1), originally described from a specimen captured by Dr. Pogge in the interior of tropical Africa (Lunda-land), then recorded by Quedenfeldt from the Quango, extends its range also towards the East-Coast, my specimen being from Lake Nyassa.