Very closely allied to A. nigricans 1) Hope, from Nepal (Gray’s Zoological Miscellany, 1831, p. 23), agreeing with it in the most important characteristics, viz. size, unusually prominent and flattened anterior angles of the thorax, punctuation of the lateral portion of the elytra, smooth raised mesial line on the pygidium which latter is likewise subtruncate at the apex and has the raised apical margin of the truncation slightly emarginate in the middle, etc. but at once distinguished by the extremely closely punctured head and pronotum which gives to these parts an opaque appearance, very clearly to be seen even with the naked eye. The punctuation on the scutellum and elytra is somewhat stronger than in nigricans. In both species the anterior tarsi are slightly broader in the male than in the female. Hab. Madras (Leyden Museum, British Museum and Mr. René Oberthür’s collection).