I am sorry to have to announce that the genus Araeosternus, which I described some time ago as new (Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. III (1881) p. 131, and in Dutch in the: Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Vol. XXV (1881/82) p. 1; pl. 1 and 2), is identical with the genus Palinurellus, described by Prof. Ed. von Martens in 1878 as a new form of the family of Loricata in the : »Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, 1878, pag. 131”. Being myself acquainted with the genus Palinurellus by the diagnosis which Dr. George Pfeffer has given in his treatise: »Die Panzerkrebse und die Clypeastriden des Hamburger Museums, mit 1 Taf.”, published in the »Verhandluugen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Hamburg, 1880”, I was the more surprised of this fact, to which Prof. von Martens called my attention after I had sent him a copy of my Dutch description and figures of the genus Araeosternus. Unfortunately an important slip of the pen occurs in Dr. Pfeffer’s diagnosis, the author describing the sternum as being » halb so lang als breit” instead of » halb so breit als lang”. I therefore supposed Palinurellus to be quite a different genus and created the new name of Araeosternus for the Indian animal. Our Indian form however, which should henceforth be called Palinurellus wienecki, is undoubtedly a distinct species different from the American Palinurellus Gundlachi, described by von Martens and afterwards by Pfeffer, and may, I believe, be distinguished from it by its larger size and by the fifth pair of the ambulatory legs not being provided with a rudimentary hand.