Calling in mind Spilota irrorella Casteln., but more robust and at once distinguished from that species by the different coloration (the head, pronotum, scutellum and pygidium being green with the clypeus, the lateral margins of the pronotum and two apical spots on the pygidium yellowish), and by the different sculpture of the elytra, these being regularly and deeply punctato-striate. Length 18,5 mm. — Above: the head, pronotum, scutellum and pygidium green, the clypeus, the lateral margins of the pronotum and two apical spots on the pygidium yellow with a green tinge, the elytra ochreous, sprinkled with small brown dots which are more or less confluent especially in a transverse direction, thus forming on the sides short and narrow transverse bands; the abdominal segments show laterally, as far as they are not covered by the elytra, a triangular dark brown spot. Beneath: pale yellow with a metallic green tinge; the antennae pale brown, the apex of the anterior tibiae, the spines of the legs and the posterior tarsi dark coppery, the anterior and intermediate tarsi with a coppery tinge; the sterna, coxae and femora are covered with long colourless or pale yellow hairs.