During his last expedition to the central mountain range of New Guinea, Mr. H. A. Lorentz collected a couple of Peripatus-specimens, which he kindly placed into my hands for examination. They were found amidst moss on Mount Wichmann at a height of 3000 M. That the couple consists of a male and a female may be considered as a happy chance, taking into account the rarity of the males in comparison with the females among the Peripatidae. The ground-colour of my animals is a uniform dark greenish-blue, somewhat paler on the ventralside especially on the legs, on each side of the segmentalgroove; moreover there is a median ventral row of small whitish spots. These spots, situated between each pair of legs, consist of a smaller, roundish, anterior one and a larger posterior one, somewhat sagittate. The papillae around the mouth and a ring around the middle of the oral papillae are whitish, whereas the pads of the legs are ochraceous, at least in the female; in the male the last coloration is less distinct.