Of this species I have seen three specimens, captured in the Andaman Islands, and of these Mr. A. Sidney Olliff has been good enough to let the Leyden Museum have two; I therefore propose to call the species Platynema Olliffi. Length 4,5 mm. — Elongate, subparallel, gradually widening a little towards the middle of the abdomen, depressed , shining, dark piceous with tinges of purple, green and blue, which are more conspicuous on the thorax than on the head, elytra and abdomen; the part of the head before the eyes, as well as the two basal joints of the antennae rufous; the extreme lateral margins of the thorax narrowly testaceous; the elytra testaceous, passing into dark brown at the sides and into piceous at about two thirds of their length; the apical margin of the abdominal segments narrowly testaceous; the legs dark brown, brighter at the knees; the tarsi pale testaceous.