Two of the species of Helota of the Dresden Museum kindly forwarded to me for identification by Prof. Heller, were sent over from the island of Formosa by Mr. H. Sauter. One of these species, H. thoracica Rits., originally described from Thibet 1), is represented by a single female specimen, captured at Fuhosho. The other, represented by a ♂ from Hoozan and a ♀ from Taihorinsho, is new to science. It is, according to my „Synopsis”, allied to my H. rotundata from Burma 2), though differing in several important points: more elongate shape, quite differently shaped anterior tibiae and apical ventral segment in the ♂, more narrowly pointed apices of the elytra in the ♀, etc. I propose to name this new species, in honour of the learned Entomologist of the Dresden Museum Prof. K. M. Heller