The Dutch consul at Manilla, Mr. P. K. A. Meerkamp van Embden, presented to our Museum a male and a female specimen of the Mindoro-buffalo, both adult and with skeletons, besides a young individual. They have been shot at the foot of a mountain, called Halcon, in the vicinity of the Dulayan-river, Mindoro-island. This series, more complete than is to be seen in any other Museum, enables me to procure informations concerning this highly interesting animal, more extensive than has been done before. The first description of the »Tamarao” — as the natives call it — has been given by le Père Heude ¹) in the following terms: »On rencontre à Manille des crânes d’un petit buffle provenant de l’île de Mindoro. Le Musee de l’Université a un animal monté. C’est une miniature du buffle ordinaire. La couleur est la même; c’est le même pelage. Les pieds sont blancs, et l’on voit au bas du devant du cou le croissant ordinaire ....