This species, which inhabits India (Tranquebar) ¹), is the type of de Castelnau’s genus Sthenias, but, according to the description of the mandibles and antennae, only the female sex was known to that Author, and even to Lacordaire at the time he wrote the 2nd part of the 9th volume of bis »Genera des Coléoptères,"""" published in 1872. In the Leyden Museum are two male specimens of this species from Tranquebar (from the collection of Mr. Raye van Breukelerwaard), and these have the outer margin of the basal half of the mandibles thrown up and prolonged, so as to form a tooth-like, nearly perpendicular, appendage. The antennae reach a little beyond the apex of the elytra and are fringed all along their under surface. The scape is shorter than the 3rd joint, the 3rd to 10th joint gradually decrease in length, the 11th however one and a half as long as the 10th, slightly curved, the apex pointed, not hooked. The hind margin of the last ventral segment rounded, gently emarginate in the middle.