The knowledge of the macrofungi (mushrooms and toadstools) in Europe, including the Netherlands, is still far from complete. During our studies on this group of organisms in the Netherlands and adjacent Belgium and Germany while preparing a critical identification work, the Flora agaricina neerlandica, a fairly large number of new species has been discovered, and a lot more has become known on the variability, distribution and ecology of the about 2,000 other species that will eventually be included in this Flora. In the period 1987-1996 four volumes have been completed of this standard work (Bas et al., 1988, 1990,1995,1996), three are in preparation, and we hope that early in the twenty-first century, the set of 10 volumes will be finished. The present paper deals with a very striking little Entoloma species recently discovered in Diever, province of Drenthe, the Netherlands.