For this study which was suggested to me and promoted by Dr R. A. Maas Geesteranus I had at my disposal the material of the “Rijksherbarium” at Leiden, the herbaria of the Universities at Amsterdam, Groningen and Utrecht, and those of the “Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereniging” and the “Natuurhistorisch Museum”, Maastricht. I wish to express my thanks to the directors of these institutions for putting the material at my disposal, and above all to the staff of the “Rijksherbarium”, who gave me a great deal of valuable help, especially Dr Josephine Th. Koster, Dr Maas Geesteranus and Dr S. J. van Ooststroom. I am indebted to Dr H. C. D. de Wit for the solution of some intricate nomenclatural questions, to H. J. T. Tammel for drawing the figures. Thanks to the presence of the herbarium of Persoon in the “Rjjksherbarium” at Leiden, I was able to arrive at a better interpretation of a number of species described by him. This was especially important for the reason, that Persoon’s “Synopsis Fungorum” of 1801 is the “startingpoint” of nomenclature in the Gasteromycetes.