1. The interrelations between the genera together constituting the Dimocarpus group in the tribe Nephelieae are represented in a scheme. In this scheme are added the main characters that are thought to be of phylogenetic importance. 2. A neotype.is proposed for Cubilia cubili (Blanco) Adelb., the single species of its genus. To its distribution can be added the eastern half of Borneo, incl. also the Island of P. Laut. Mention is made of a geographic clinal variation in a few macromorphological characters. 3. Lilchi is considered to comprise only one species, L. chinensis Sonn., which is subdivided into three subspecies: subsp. chinensis, the commonly grown form, cultivated for thousands of years already, apparently adapted (by nature or partly by selection by man?) to a monsoon climate, if actually wild probably originating from northern Indo China; subsp. philippinensis (Radlk.) Leenh., a wild form closely related to subsp. chinensis, known from the Philippines and New Guinea; and subsp. javensis Leenh., strikingly different from both other forms, known only as a cultivated fruit tree from southern Indo China and Java, apparently adapted to an everwet tropical climate. For subsp. philippinensis a lectotype is proposed. 4. Pometia, though macromorphologically distinctly derived and, moreover, palynologically apparently very exclusive in the alliance under discussion, seems clearly connected with Dimocarpus, the central genus in the group.