Two new genera, Aenigmopteris and Ataxipteris, are established. Aenigmopteris resembles Ctenitis C. Chr. in its frond-form and venation but has scales and indusia like those of Tectaria Cav. and in its narrowly winged pinna-rachises approaches Lastreopsis Ching. Its type species (from Luzon) was originally named Dryopteris dubia Copel.; it includes also Dryopteris pulchra Copel. from New Guinea and three new species: Aenigmopteris mindanaensis from Mindanao, A. elegans from Sabah, and A. katoi from Indonesian Borneo. Its relationship to Psomiocarpa Presl is discussed. Ataxipteris, based on a single species of southern China and Japan originally named Tectaria sinii Ching, resembles Tectaria in frond-form and venation but has scales like those of Ctenitis. In both new genera there are thick hairs between veins on the upper surface as in many species of Tectaria but not in Ctenitis; both genera lack the cylindric glands which are characteristic of Ctenitis. In spore characters Aenigmopteris and Psomiocarpa resemble some species of Tectaria, and Ataxipteris resembles some species of Ctenitis.

Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants

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Naturalis journals & series

Holttum, R. E. (1984). Studies in the fern-genera allied to Tectaria. III. Aenigmopteris and Ataxipteris, two new genera allied to Tectaria Cav., with comments on Psomiocarpa Presl. Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, 30(1), 1–11.