In an earlier paper (Cheadle and Kosakai, 1972) on vessels in Cyperaceae we had available only two genera ( Chorizandra and Chrysithrix) and two species of the tribe Hypolytreae. This was unfortunate, for it turned out that Hypolytreae has the most primitive vessels on the whole. After reading the paper, Mr. Pieter Baas generously sent us fragments of roots, stem (culm), and leaves of the following additional genera and species of Hypolytreae: Hypolytrum compactum Nees & Mey. M 970 (rhizome also); H. nemorum (Vahl) Spreng M 969; Paramapania parvibractea (Clarke) Uitt. M 968; P. radians (Clarke) Uitt. M 971. After soaking in boiling water, the fragments were macerated and mounted in dilute glycerin for study. Camera lucida drawings were made of perforation plates and immediately adjacent walls for permanent record.