Although Clarke saw the type of Scirpus erectus Poir. in the Paris Herbarium he misapplied the name to a quite different species occurring in Madagascar, S. and E. Asia, and tropical Australia. Herein he was followed by Ridley, Merrill, Backer, and others. It has now generally been accepted that the correct name of this species is Scirpus juncoides Roxb. and that the name Scirpus erectus Poir. does not belong to its synonymy. After having examined the type of S. erectus I am convinced that the question was admirably cleared up by Chermezon (see Arch. Bot. 4, 1931, 26, and also in Humbert, Fl. Madag., fam. 29, 1937, 149). Scirpus erectus is much nearer to the European S. supinus L. than to S. juncoides Roxb. It differs from S. supinus by the larger spikelets, the larger, more distinctly mucronate glumes, the bristly appendage of the connective, the bifid style, and the larger, biconvex, only faintly wavyridged, elliptic or suborbicular nuts. It is an African species extending from the Mediterranean region through tropical Africa to Madagascar and Mauritius. There can be no doubt that Isolepis uninodis Delile is conspecific with Scirpus erectus Poir. Delile’s description is very accurate: “épis cylindriques, ovoïdes-lanceolés ... écailles ovales, aiguës ... deux stigmates ... graine lenticulaire, transversalement rugueux vers les bords.” The differences with Scirpus supinus are clearly indicated: “ses graines [du S. supinus] sont ovoïdes-cunéiformes, trigones, ridées transversalement sur toute leur surface; ses styles sont trifides.” Moreover, Delile’s excellent figure leaves no doubt whatever on the identity of his species.