Recent floristic and phytosociological survey-techniques used in the Netherlands are reviewed by the authors. The particular combination of techniques, used in the investigation of the province of Utrecht, is discussed. A floristic inventory is made of separate habitats in everyone of the kilometer squares; these separate lists are then combined to give a total inventory of 1 kilometer square comparable to the method of MENNEMA (1973). The frequency of each species in the various habitats is also given. Also a phytosociological inventory is made and a new system of mapping the vegetation-units is introduced.

Gorteria: tijdschrift voor de floristiek, de plantenoecologie en het vegetatie-onderzoek van Nederland

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Naturalis journals & series

Hessel, P., Wildschut, J. T., & Jansen, T. R. (1975). Milieukartering provincie Utrecht — Inventarisatie basisgegevens flora en vegetatie. Gorteria: tijdschrift voor de floristiek, de plantenoecologie en het vegetatie-onderzoek van Nederland, 7(9/10), 148–160.