With the death on 3 September 1995 of Dr. E. Kits van Waveren, the Dutch mycologists lost one of their most prominent, internationally known amateurs, a specialist on the taxonomy of the genus Psathyrella and an ardent collector. Dr. Kits van Waveren, honorary staff member of the Rijksherbarium at Leiden since 1970 and honorary member of the Dutch Mycological Society since 1983, will be most of all remembered as the author of the monograph ‘The Dutch, French and British species of Psathyrella’ published in 1985 as Supplement 2 of the mycological journal Persoonia. In this book of 300 pages about 100 species of Psathyrella are extensively described and illustrated, 10 of which were new to science. This publication, together with 7 later papers between 1986 and 1995, greatly stimulated the study of the genus in Europe and is still much in demand. On pp. 289—291 of his book a curriculum vitae of the author is given.