Woody plants, very small undershrubs to tall trees. Leaves distichous or spirally arranged, stipulate, simple, glabrous; midrib prominent on either side. Inflorescences 1- to many-flowered, cymose, racemose, or thyrsoid, bracteate; pedicels articulate. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual (rarely functionally polygamous). Sepals 5, free or a little connate at base, quincuncial, persistent. Petals 5-10, free, contort, caducous. Staminodes 0-∞. Stamens 5-10-∞; anthers basifix, ± latrorse and dehiscing lengthwise, or with 1-2 apical pores. Carpels 2—5—10(—15), superior, free with 1 ovule, or fused with 2-∞ ovules per carpel; styles fused, basigynous or epigynous; stigmas free or ± fused. Fruit(s) a drupe(s), berry, or capsule. Seeds 1-∞, small or large, sometimes winged, with or without albumen. Taxonomy. There is little doubt that the family of the Ochnaceae represents a natural one among the more primitive in the Guttiferales (= Clusiales or Theales s. l.). Nonetheless, there are striking differences between the genera, even at first sight. It is not difficult to arrange them in a few distinct, supra-generic taxa. A supposed natural system, as far as relevant to the Malesian genera, is as follows: Subfamily Ochnoideae Tribe OCHNEAE ....................... Subtribe Ochninae 1. Ochna 2. Brackenridgea Subtribe Ouratinae 3. Gomphia Subfamily Sauvagesioideae Tribe EUTHEMIDEAE . ..................................4.Euthemis Tribe SAUVAGESIEAE ........................Subtribe Sauvagesiinae 5. Neckia 6. Indovethia 7. Schuurmansiella 8. Schuurmansia