Rhizome creeping or low-climbing (Bolbitis) or climbing ( Lomariopsis, etc.) or epiphytic (Elaphoglossum), dorsiventral, with a broad ventral vascular strand which supplies the roots and one or more dorsal strands (the fronds in two or more longitudinal rows, according to the number of strands); stipes jointed to rhizome (Teratophyllum, Elaphoglossum) or not, containing several separate vascular strands; scales peltate or pseudopeltate, clathrate or not; no elongate unicellular hairs. Rhizomes of young plants always with one dorsal meristele, this condition persisting to the adult plant in Teratophyllum and many species of Elaphoglossum. Fronds simple ( Elaphoglossum, Bolbitis spp.), pinnate (all but Elaphoglossum) or bipinnate ( Teratophyllum and Lomagramma spp.), the pinnae on fronds of Lomariopsis, Teratophyllum and Lomagramma jointed to the rachis, terminal unjointed lamina present in Lomariopsis; distinctive bathyphylls, usually more dissected than acrophylls, present in genera with climbing rhizomes (least distinctive in Lomariopsis); veins free ( Teratophyllum, Lomariopsis, most Elaphoglossum, some Bolbitis) or uniting near the margin ( Elaphoglossum spp.) or in several series of areoles with (most species of Bolbitis) or without ( Lomagramma; Bolbitis p.p.) free veins in the areoles. Fertile fronds with reduced lamina, covered beneath (rarely also above) with sporangia (except Thysanosoria, where sori are at ends of veins only), a special vascular supply for the sporangia variously developed or not; spores with perispore (except Lomagramma). Genera. Bolbitis SCHOTT, Lomariopsis FÉE, Lomagramma J.SM., Teratophyllum METT., Thysanosoria GEPP, Elaphoglossum J.SM.; also Peltapteris LINK (Rhipidopteris FÉE ex SCHOTT) and Microstaphyla PRESL, small genera of tropical America and St Flelena, allied to Elaphoglossum and not dealt with in the present work.