Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Mr. A. Berhaman (SAN) has begun his research on Nyctocalos (Bignoniaceae) for a M.Sc. programme at KLU. He spent 2 months at MJG working with Dr. S. Renner on microtechniques and visited L from 20—30 June 1995. He is also studying the Sterculiaceae. — Mr. L. Madani (SAN) is currently revising the family Dichapetalaceae. — Ms. J.T. Pereira (SAN) has completed her revision of the family Crypteroniaceae for Vol. 2; three new species in Borneo have been recognized in this treatment. she has now begun a study of Payena (Sapotaceae). — Dr. J.J. Pipoly III (BRIT) will assist Dr. A. Latiff (UKMB) in the treatment of the Myrsinaceae. He has finished the one for the Philippines. — Mr. J.B. Sugau (SAN) has completed his revision of the family Chloranthaceae for Vol. 2. He is now revising the family Tetrameristaceae and has begun a study of Adinandra (Theaceae). Together with Dr. K.M. Wong (SAN) he has completed the revision of the family Loganiaceae with 21 new species(!) of Fagraea. Flore de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Dr. C. Tirel (P) is writing a revision Alseuosmiaceae. — In 1997 Dr. J.J. Pipoly III (BRIT) will do the Myrsinaceae. — Dr. J. Jeremie (P) is writing a revision of the Sphenostemonaceae.