Dr. A.J.G.H. Kostermans (BO) died on 10 July 1994. He became 88 years old and was buried in the Bogor Botanical Garden, close to the plants and the herbarium to which he devoted most of his life. The life and work of ‘Dok’ are well known to Southeast Asian botanists and various obituaries appeared in Newsletters and Journals. Until his death he was also scientific adviser for PROSEA. Besides advising he also contributed to the PROSEA books as author, e.g. on correct naming of Lauraceae, Sterculiaceae, and Tiliaceae in the ‘Basic list of species and commodity grouping’, on Cryptocarya massoy (Oken) Kosterm. in ‘A selection’ (which book has also been dedicated to him) and on Eusideroxylon and Scaphium in ‘Timber trees 5 (1)’. His warm interest in the PROSEA Programme, his contributions, his advice, his friendship, humor and hospitality will be badly missed. Mr. S. Danimihardja (BO) succeeded Ms. N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto (BO) as Databank Officer in the Network Office (BO) per 1 January 1994.