Carnatic Flora, S. India, is a project of the Rapinat Herbarium, St. Joseph’s College (RHT), Tiruchirapalli 620 002, India (see p. 2012). The area is between about 11°-12° N 78°- 80° E. Work is set up with a hope to make more materials available than Gamble & Fischer and Fyson could study and to improve their books. A 5 year’s project, financed by the University Grants Commission, was started in c. 1975. It is indeed very desirable that good collections are made, and distributed without delay. Sale of Ashton’s Ecology of Dipterocarps in Brunei. Due to overstocking, a limited number of this excellent book (see p. 1281-1282, 1965) are now available at £ 3.25 (cash with order) from The Librarian, Forestry, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, England.