In chapter VII of his book ”Wanderings in the Great Forests of Borneo” Beccari records his ascent of Mount Poi (Poe, Pueh) in south-western Sarawak, and subsequently Poi has been cited as the type locality for a number of species described from his material. The purpose of this note is to put on record the fact that although Beccari ascended the Poi range, he did not climb Gunong Poi, as that name is used on modern maps, but a more south-easterly peak in the range, Gunong Berumput (Gunong Rumput). In August 1962 I collected on Gunong Beruraput with my colleague P.J.B. Woods: the choice of this peak rather than Gunong Poi itself was made on the advice of Mr B.E. Smythies, Conservator of Forests, who said he thought we should find it more interesting. On returning home I re-read Beccari’s book and realized immediately that we had virtually followed in his footsteps.