H. Rain forest at Kamisa falls (Niekerie R., west bank) (see table 8) 7 plots of 1000 m² and 21 plots of 100 m², total area 9100 m². – Number of species: ca 110. – Soil: brown to grey, loamy sand, occasionally with ferrite gravel. – Dominant species: Dicorynia guianensis (basralokus). – Shrub layer: saplings of gawetri (Sapindaceae spp.), tingimoni (Protium spp.), boegoe-boegoe (Swartzia spp.), and switi boontje (Inga spp.); many palms, viz. Attalea maripa (maripa), Oenocarpus bacaba (koemboe), nanai-maka (Bactris vs. humilis), and taspalm (Geonoma vs. baculifera). – Herb layer: kleine paloeloe (Heliconia sp.), warimbo (Marantaceae spp.) and Renealmia gracilis O. G. Pet. (masoesa). There was only one dominant tree species in this forest, namely Dicorynia guianensis, forming 12% of all trees with a diameter of 10 cm or over. This species, however, was very unevenly distributed being well represented in a few quadrats, but entirely absent in many others.