Since the publication of Dr. T. BROEKSMIT’s paper on Myxomycetes, which includes a list of the representatives of this group then known from the Netherlands (Ned. Kruidk. Arch., 1923: 315-327), and of that by A. M. SCHOLTE (ibid., 1926: 155-162), only a few new finds have been reported. In July 1953 Dr. W. K. H. Karstens kindly sent me an unpublished list of all the species of which he had seen specimens from the Netherlands; it comprised practically all finds that had been made up to that date, those of myself included. In total 130 species and varieties were enumerated, and of each of them the number of specimens seen by him was recorded. A few of those mentioned by Dr. Broeksmit, viz. Badhamia nitens, Physarum conglomeratum, Diderma radiatum, Didymium difforme var. comatum, Lamproderma columbinum, Cribraria microcarpa, C. splendens, Liceopsis lobata and Cornuvia serpula (in the order of the list) are not included in Dr. Karstens’ list, either because the specimens were lost, or because the determination proved to be incorrect, and Arcyria globosa, one of the eight new indigenes mentioned by SCHOLTE, proved to be A. cinerea (private communication). Eighteen species and varieties from Dr. Karstens’ list were so far not found by me, whereas my list contains the names of sixtyeight species and varieties not mentioned by him. These species and varieties are marked with an asterisk (*) as they are regarded by me as new to the Netherlands.